Dr. Eddie C. Hadlock

College President – Community Leader

Dr. Eddie C. 哈德洛克出生在亚利桑那州的普雷斯科特,父母是厄尔·“拉什蒂”和罗比·哈德洛克. He graduated from Buena High School in Sierra Vista, Arizona. As a youth, he was active in extracurricular activities, including student government, the Boy Scouts, football, basketball, and track. 他在乐队吹圆号,并在大四时被选为学生会主席.

摆在他面前的生活和事业将包括作为一名美国海军军官为国家服务, public school teaching, counseling, 广泛参与和领导他的教会和社区, and distinguished service in college administration.

他在中文博彩平台(Hardin-Simmons university)开始了他的大学教育,在那里他获得了商业教育专业的理学学士学位,辅修体育. 在大一时,他被选为副班长,大二时被选为参议员. He was in Tau Alpha Phi and ROTC, 他是弗格森大厅的副顾问和安德森大厅的首席副顾问. 此外,他还在新穆迪中心的前台工作,并经营保龄球馆. He was, also, in the Navy Reserves in Abilene.

他的研究生学习导致了东德克萨斯州立大学咨询教育硕士学位. Continuing his studies at ETSU, 他获得了教育学博士学位,主修指导(重点是学生人事管理),辅修心理学和社区大学教育. His dissertation focused on the 职业选择心理安全与风险承担的关系.

Following his graduation from Hardin-Simmons in 1967, Eddie proudly served his nation in the United States Navy. He completed Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island and the Naval Supply Corps School, in Athens, Georgia. 从那时起,他在查尔斯顿号航空母舰上担任助理供应和支付官.

Following his military service, 埃迪开始了他长达45年的公共教育事业. 在最初的四年里,他将在两个不同的学校系统中担任教师,并完成他的硕士和博士学位. 他在弗吉尼亚海滩公立学校教授特殊教育,并在普莱诺独立学区担任职业教育教师.

1974年,他开始接受高等教育,并在这一阶段度过了余下的职业生涯. 他的服务包括在德州中北部学院和敖德萨学院工作. His positions included work as a vocational counselor, director of vocational counseling and testing, registrar, director of admissions, dean of student services, dean of arts and sciences, vice president of instruction, interim president, and president.

As president of North Central Texas College, Dr. Hadlock led the construction of the technical education building, the opening of a new campus in Flower Mound, Texas, 在NCTC学院区增加了格雷厄姆独立学区, and successfully securing the College’s first U.S. 教育部第三章拨款,题为“加强一个机构”.”

哈德洛克校长参与社区活动的历史很长. 他曾担任Cooke County Camp Fire董事会的成员和总裁, President of the Edison PTA, President of the Gainesville Kiwanis Club, 也是盖恩斯维尔独立学区教育卓越委员会的债券选举司库. He, also, served the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce as board member, vice president and chairman.

他的专业会员包括德州社区学院协会, 德克萨斯州社区学院首席学生事务管理员协会(包括担任这个全州组织的副主席), Texas Community College Teachers Association, 德州大学注册和招生官员协会和大专学生人事协会. In addition, Dr. 哈德洛克担任了14年的高校和学校的南方协会的重申委员会的成员, and as Chair of the North Texas Community College Consortium.

Devoted to his church, First Baptist Church of Gainesville, he has been heavily involved in the ministry of his congregation. 自1974年以来,他一直担任执事董事会成员,并两次当选执事主席. For ten years, Dr. 哈德洛克曾担任电视服务总监,并于2001年担任牧师搜寻委员会主席. 他目前在主日学校任教,并担任高级成人活动协调员.

他娶了他一生的挚爱,前阿比林人唐娜·卡尔·哈德洛克. They met while at HSU, 在阿比林第一浸信会教堂的浸信会培训联盟活动上. Elwin Skiles performed their wedding ceremony. They have two adult children, Dr. 希瑟·哈德洛克和大卫·哈德洛克,还有两个孙子,阿什顿和赞德.

作为一名基督教绅士、海军老兵和杰出的高等教育专业人士. Hadlock has represented his alma mater well. 中文博彩平台很荣幸能够表彰她自己的一位,并正式聘请中国赌博平台博士. Eddie C. Hadlock into the HSU Hall of Leaders.