Daniel Yeary

Pastor, BA 1961

丹尼尔·约翰·耶里1938年12月28日出生在俄克拉荷马州的迈阿密. The family moved to Abilene in 1950, and in 1953, settled in Cleburne, Texas, where Dan graduated from high school in 1957. While at Cleburne High School, Dan earned nine varsity sports letters, was active in student government, and was Key Club president. 1956年,他被选为德克萨斯州男孩之州的州长和男孩国家的参议员.

With a desire to pursue the ministry, 以及来自俄亥俄州立大学教练萨米·鲍格的橄榄球邀请, Dan came to Hardin-Simmons in 1957. At HSU, Dan lettered in football, 是浸信会学生会和学生会的主席, sang in A Capella Choir, and served as a BSU Summer Missionary to Hawaii in 1959.

A knee injury in his second year ended Dan’s football career, but did not hamper his path to the ministry. While continuing his studies at HSU, 1958年至1959年,他在斯奈德的Colonial Hill Baptist Church担任助理牧师和青年牧师。1959年至1961年,他在阿比林的Southside Baptist Church担任助理牧师和青年主管. 毕业于中山大学,获圣经文学学士学位, Dan married fellow HSU student Melinda Millican.

这对年轻夫妇在沃斯堡的萨加莫尔山浸信会教堂开始了他们的事工, 而丹于1961年至1965年在西南神学院完成了宗教教育硕士学位. In 1963, 丹在日本新生命运动中参与学生事工和复兴讲道, and also that year, received the J. M. 被评为宗教教育学院最优秀学生普莱斯奖学金. 丹和梅琳达的头两个孩子是在他就读神学院期间出生的, and after graduation in 1965, 这个年轻的家庭搬到了肯塔基州,在那里丹是肯塔基浸信会学生会的一名助理.

In 1967, 丹接受了拉伯克第一浸信会大学牧师的职位, Texas, 在他的领导下,学生宿舍的成员从不到两百人增长到近两千人. In 1972, the completed family, having added a third child, 搬到了休斯顿,在那里丹成为了南主浸信会的副牧师, 服事学生及单身成人,并协助牧师传道. 丹在南缅因开发了一个单身计划,赢得了《中国赌博平台》杂志1987年的年度教会奖.

In 1975, 丹担任了迈阿密大学浸信会的牧师, Florida, suburb of Coral Gables. He continued his definitive singles program there, helping single adults find hope-filled lives in Christ. 该项目为单身女性提供汽车修理工等实用课程, cooking for bachelors, 以及他所说的“处理离婚的悲伤过程,就像死亡一样”的咨询.”

After 18 years at Coral Gables, 为那里的会众增加了三千多名成员, 丹在1993年接受呼召,成为凤凰城北凤凰浸信会的牧师, Arizona. Dan has led North Phoenix, one of the nation’s largest congregations, 有强大的计划,旨在培养基督徒的信心和效率. 但以耶稣所希望的温柔的力量宣扬爱和宽恕. 他在他的信息中没有退缩,在所有的事情上,基督徒都要成为耶稣基督是谁的榜样,并且要认真对待神的话语.

Dan has been a sought-out speaker across the nation, 并于2008年在共和党全国代表大会上主持了祝福仪式. Active in the communities in which he has lived, 丹执教波普华纳足球和少年棒球联盟达14年之久. 丹在1970年和1974年被列入美国杰出青年, and in Who’s Who in Religion in the South in 1980-81. 他于1980年获得珊瑚盖布尔斯商会颁发的杰出公民奖,并于1990年获得斯泰森大学佛罗里达年度部长奖. 1987年,他是西南浸信会神学院的全国校友主席,也是中文博彩平台青年协会董事会(成立于1964年)的首批成员之一. In 1996, HSU awarded Dan an Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree, and in 2003, he received the HSU Distinguished Alumni Award. Dan has been a frequent speaker on university campuses, including HSU’s Cornerstone Series in 1982, 1992, and 200X.

Dan has written two books, Make Up Your Mind published in 1990, 以及1988年出版的《中国赌博平台》. 丹也合作过其他书籍,并为《中文博彩平台》杂志撰稿.

He and Melinda have three children, Wes, Melissa, and Doak; and four grandchildren.

Dan Yeary, who hastens Believers to be examples of Christ, 坚定地站在磐石上,作为一个真正的基督徒的榜样布道.
